The Holidays kept me jumping and then it was the dreaded tax time stuff . . . YUK!
And of course the Shoppe's new FaceBook Page is such an addiction . . . I gotta stay away from there!
Maybe . . .
Anyways, today I'm happy & really excited to post about an upcoming class on our calendar in May!
We have the honor of hosting a Celebrity Make~N~Take Class with
Stephanie Howell!
(Click on her name or pix to go to her blog)

If you guys aren't familiar with her name yet (and if you're true scrappers, then you'll have seen her & her work all over the scrapbooking world!), she is on the design teams for Jenni Bowlin, Lilybee Designs, and Studio Calico.
She's going to be here on May 22nd and if you'll be in her class, get ready to use some of the just released product from Lilybee's "Hello Sunshine" collection!

We just got our order in from them ~ the entire line! ~ and it's "OH-So-Cute! Bright, happy, and fun . . . just in time for the Spring & Summer photos you will all be taking!

So if you're in the Columbus/Atlanta area and would like to join her, please call The Shoppe to reserve your seat . . .May 22nd 1p - 3p . . . .706*321*0202